I begin this study with the following passage from the Brit Hadasha "12 The disciples then come and tell him," You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this word '13 replied, "Every plant that has not planted my Father heavenly it is uprooted. 14 Let them alone: they are blind leading the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch "Matthew / Mattisyahu 15: 12-14.
We could say that the blind leading the blind received their sight and saw but after 2000 years of such these things are worse words but with 2000 years of evolution. Currently, and for many centuries ago the rabbis teach his disciples (who assimilated his teachings) many doctrines that are not blatantly Semitic / Hebrew origin but of Babylonian origin. The current calendar known as the Hillel II calendar is a calendar with pagan foundations with much resemblance to the Gregorian calendar. There is much to say about this Babylonian calendar as their crescents, earlier this year as they did in Babylon, appointed with Babylonian names months and some things that I will not mention in this study and in this study I will focus on the Start the day according to the Torah. These blind leading the blind meant that Jesus changed the word of Gd (Torah) by their own traditions. They never got care in the Torah so much so that in times of Josiah Melech estimated as no Torah scrolls were no more copies of the Torah and the people lived as wanted and to the temple was neglected [2 Kings 22]. The alleged oral Torah with which modern rabbis deceive their followers did not exist at the time of Josiah. I'm sure the rabbis would like to do away these chapters in the life of King Josiah just as church leaders tried to silence our crucified Messiah lest he should betray more about how these hireling shepherds to the sheep astray trasquilarlas. Now we will study from the beginning of the Lord's instructions about the start of the day. Find your Bible and go carefully and calmly.
Before opening his Bible must make something very clear to understand the scriptures. We must remove all pre-oriental concept like seeing day. For the Semites the night period was a period of rest and was one working day period. When YHWH commands us to keep rest does not mind at night because every Israelite rested at night but he sends to rest us of the work on the seventh day does not mean that we will stay resting on that day since there many precepts that an Israelite should do on this day as precisely the burnt offerings morning and evening when ending the YOM / Day. Semites also had no day like us in modern Western culture periods of 24 hrs but they distinguished the day of the night and that you will see through all the scriptures.
In Genesis / Bereshit 1: 5 the Lord separates day from night. We know that there are two periods in 24 hours, one dark and one light. In light He called day and night darkness. The day production period is designed to work for the Lord. After the day is followed by night. Evening (erev) is the point of transition between day and night over the morning is the transition point between night and day. The Lord instructs us through His holy Torah then the day is the afternoon which is the early evening and then night comes the morning when the night and the 24-hour cycle ends and at this point the Eternal tells us what happened on the first day. It is necessary to reason that on the first day before sunset one be events in the day period, these events were the separation of light and darkness gave more names to light (YOM / day) and dark (Layla / Night ) and after that the evening and the text says that the day ended after the afternoon but obviously preceded the night and dawn is when Moses tells us that completed a YOM. Any other practice is an alteration to the Torah and Bereshit is the first book of the Torah.
So the question we must ask is because the rabbis teach that day (Yomim) start from evening to evening? What happened is that the rabbis applied the exclusive provision for the day of Yom Kippur and the feast of bread leavened as standard for every day, in other words have fallen into transgression not add or take anything away from the Torah in Here it is adding a provision for these two holidays and adapt to other Yomin (days) of the year. In no exclusive precepts moadim some with a hidden prophetic significance such as eating unleavened bread that is not a precept for the year in general, but specifically for a week like the fact you live in tents for seven days in the Sukkot celebrations. This is what happened, that an exclusive provision for the day of trouble all day which is a clear addiction Torah was given.
When Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, the Lord decreed that from now on they would have to work the land for their livelihood which wraps that help animals like oxen to work the land. When Yahweh commanded to keep the seventh day Sabbath [Ex 20: 8-10] is telling us that the earth should rest that day, thy servants must rest that day and your oxen. Working hours in those days were the daylight hours, the hours of the night itself were periods of rest. Yahweh is telling us: "In that day I call [Gen 1: 5], light period, we do not work". Yahshua also tells us Yohanan 11: 9.
Josephus clearly said in his "Antiquities of the Jews I"
Chapter I
He made the light, saw the mole in its entirety and separated light from darkness, and the darkness he called night and the daylight; and the beginning of the light and break time called morning and afternoon. And this was the first day that existed. Moses said he was a day. It could give the reason now; but as I promised to present the causes of all things in a separate book, postergaré hitherto explanation. Josephus
Let us go forward with this study. Genesis 1: "14 Elohim said:" Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night, and worth moadim signal for days and years; 15 worth of lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth. "And it was. 16 God made the two great lights; Big day for the domain star, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars; 17 and Elohim set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness; and Elohim saw that it was good. 19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. (I take this opportunity to mention here that it is obvious that the moon and sun debuted at its best to rule the day and night)
Let's analyze this evidence. See that YHWH says one day to the next day will bring locusts. We see that YHWH begins to blow from that day and all night all lobsters dragging its path to drag until dawn and they were in Egypt on time as promised. See that the day is like night and day and night and the next day where the locusts to Egypt begins from dawn come under Genesis 1:5. If you see in Exodus 10:4 G-d said that "Tomorrow I will bring lobsters...." and now if you got to the verse 12 ( Ex 10:12 ) he brough the lobsters in the sunrise.
Let's move from the scriptures so that we see clearly that the day begins in the morning and ends in the morning, carefully examine exodus verse by verse and then turn to the other evidence.
Exodus 12:
6 What keep it until the fourteenth day of the month; and the whole assembly
the community of Israel shall kill it at twilight.
(Light from morning to evening light)
7 And take the blood and smeared the two doorposts and the lintel of the
houses in which they eat.
8 On that night to eat the meat. They eat roasted
fire, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. (It has not yet passed the 14th and it is night)
9 Nothing eat it raw or boiled, but roasted, its head, its
legs and its entrails.
10 And do not leave any of it until the morning; what about at dawn
you shall burn. (Still not spent the day 14 until dawn)
11 And ye shall eat it: you girded your waist, footwear
your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste. It is
Passover of Yahweh.
12 I will spend tonight in the land of Egypt and smite all
firstborn of Egypt, both man and beast, and I
I will take justice to all the gods of Egypt. I, Yahweh.
13 The blood shall be a token upon the houses where you are. When I
see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague among you
slayer when I strike the land of Egypt.
(All this happened on the night of 14 called Passover / Pesach / Passover)
14 This will be a memorable day for you, and celebrate it as
celebration in honor of the Lord from generation to generation. It is Decretaréis
for ever ". (Important above all these instructions are
a same day, day 14)
Instructions for the 15th of Aviv15
"For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; and from day one
shall remove leaven from your houses. Anyone who from the first day
until the seventh day eat leavened bread, that man shall be cut off from in
through Israel.
16 The first day you shall have a holy convocation; also the seventh day shall
all gather in sacred meeting. No work will be done in those days, except
food for everyone. This is all you may do.
17 Keep the feast of unleavened bread, because on that day I got
your armies out of the land of Egypt. Keep this day from generation to
generation as a perpetual decree.
(It is no longer night but another day, on the 15th we must also note that the Passover meal was the night in the 14th and Angel raged all night from midnight until dawn when the Egyptians and self farahon realized that their firstborn died during the night and early morning. The farahon fired past Moses morning on the 15th as Yahweh himself testifies in verse 17)
18 You shall eat unleavened bread in the first month, from the fourteenth day
of the month until the evening of the twenty.
(The yeast should disappear from the afternoon of 14 [see verse 8] until the afternoon of 21 nevertheless Yahweh starts counting the seven days of the Feast of matza has from day 15 to day 21)
19 There will be no leaven in your houses for seven days all
who eats leavened, is a stranger or born in the land, will be
cut off from the community of Israel.
20 You shall eat nothing leavened; in every place where you dwell,
eat unleavened bread. "
Let us examine in Leviticus 23
Lev 23: 5-6
5 In the first month, the fourteenth day of the month, at twilight (dawn light dawn light 14 to 15 when it begins oficialemente hamatza 7 days), will be thePassover of the Lord. (Note: The Passover commemorates only the events that occurred throughout the night that belongs to 14th)6 On the fifteenth of this month the feast of unleavened bread will be held in honor of Yahweh. For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.
Carefully examine these two decisive verses of Exodus 32
Exodus 32
5 Aaron saw it, he built an altar before the calf and announced,
"Tomorrow shall be a feast to Yahweh."
6 The next day he rose early and offered
They presented burnt offerings and peace offerings. Then he sat the
people to eat and drink, and rose to bask. (See, Aaron said that tomorrow is a feast to YHWH and began preparations at dawn when the night is in turn changed the day.)
Examine other evidence of which is a day to YHWH and restored in the old paths.
Exodus 29
38 Behold what you have to offer on the altar: two yearling lambs
every day, forever.
39 Prepare one lamb in the morning and the other in the evening ... "
(Here we clearly see the MEANING of Yahweh that day are 12 hours day from sunrise until sunset which agrees very well with a conversation with his disciples mashiaj Yohanan / John 11: 9-10) Ex 18: 13-14."13 The next day Moses sat to judge the people, and the peoplehe stood before Moses from morning until night. (12 daytime hours)14 The law of Moses saw all that his son was imposed by thepeople, and said, "How do you do that to the people? Why do you sit aloneso that all the people have to stand about you frommorning to evening? "
Now let's look at other similar evidence in Vayikra
Vayikra / Leviticus 7:15
15 The flesh of the sacrifice of praise will eat the
same day of its offer, leaving nothing for the morning it
next ....
(only a blind man can not see clearly in one day has until morning which is another day to eat all the sacrifice)
Let's continue examining evidence Exodus:
The Manna: Exodus 16
This is very clear:
Exodus 16
12 "I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them: In the evening
You eat meat and in the morning you shall be filled with bread; that you may know that I am
Yahweh, your God. "
13 That evening quail came and covered the
camp; and in the morning there was a layer of dew around
camp. ( When was shabbat here? )
14 to evaporate the dew appeared on the desert floor
a tiny thing such as grain, similar to frost on the ground.
15 When the Israelites saw it, they said one to another, "What is
this? "they knew not what it was. Moses said, "This is the bread
Yahweh will give you for food.
16 Behold what Yahweh commanded: Let each one collect as
need to eat, an omer a head, according to the number of
members of your family; each collected for the people of his
store. "
17 Thus did the Israelites; They collected some more, some less.
18 But when they measured with the omer, those who gathered little or
They had less. Each had gathered what she needed for her
19 Moses said: "Let no one keep anything for tomorrow."
20 But they did not listen to Moses; some kept part of it for the day
next; but it was full of worms and stank; and Moses was angry with
21 They gathered in the morning, each according to need; and
then, in the heat of the sun, it melted.
22 On the sixth day they gathered twice serving two gomor per person.
All leaders of the community went to tell Moses;
23 He said to them: 'This is what Yahweh commanded: Tomorrow is
Shabbat, the day of rest, holy to Yahweh. What is owed and let them seethe
cook, boil what you have to boil; and the leftovers, save it as
reserve for tomorrow. "
24 They kept it for the next day, according to the word of Moses;
and it did not stink or get maggots.
25 Moses said, "Today you shall eat this because it is Shabbat
Yahweh; and in that day ye shall not find it in the field.(This Verse 25 is strong because everything is prepared the day before and the morning was SHABBAT)
Note that Messiah expires at the ninth hour (3pm) this does not mean that Joseph Arimathea jumped at the ninth hour to run where Pilate, the must stay a comforting women wept as they moved must emerge offering while Joseph of Arimathea unsepulcro offer possessed and influence to ask the body to Pilate. This might take some time maybe up to an hour. Walking from the mount of crucifición to pilatos headquarters should have taken some more time to go through the protocol to request a hearing with the procurator Pontius Pilate to expose your request. After obtaining the requested permission climb back to the mountain of crucifición and make arrangements to bring down the body of our Messiah. Then take it somewhere to clean and wrapped in linen and transport it to the grave. From the ninth hour of spring sunset in Jerusalem there aproximadamante 3 hours. José COULD NOT DO IT ALL IN THREE HOURS without breaking the Sabbath to the way modern Judaism begin and end the day but could have time to spare and could do so without violating the Shabbat comodamante started the day the next morning.
Marcos abounds us in detail and gives us a revealing information
42 And in the evening, as was the Preparation, that is, the eve of
Sabbath, 43 Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the Council also expected
the Kingdom of Gd, and had the courage to go to Pilate and asked for the body of Yeshua. Mark 15:42-43
(Sunset on the time of transcición between day and night)
Matthew 27:57
"57 And in the evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had also become a disciple of Yeshua.
Deut 21:23
"Your body does not hang from the tree all night, but I will surely bury him the same day (for the hanging is cursed by Gd), to not pollute the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance"
YHWH is not telling us in the Torah that the body we bury before sunset as the rabínino concept of what it means day but includes the night as part of the day and tells you not to let all the hanging night is you say you have to the sunrises to dispose of the body.
"After the Sabbath in the sunrise on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the sepulcher" Mt. 28: 1 (The New Testament was written in Koine Greek it does not use punctuation as [,:. '"-])
Marcos 16-2
"And very early on the first day of the week they came to the tomb when the sun had risen"
Acts 20: 7
"And the first Yom of shavua, when we were gathered together to break bread, Shaul spoke to them, intending to leave the next day, and continued his speech until midnight"
(As you can see Lucas author made this linking midnight as part of the first day of the week and the next day was Second day where the verse 11 of this same chapter says Shaul came from Troas to Assos. The moment they met it could be anytime in the afternoon of the first day)
Returning to passover analyze the following:
"Then Josiah celebrated the Passover to YHWH in Jerusalem, killing animals
Easter on the fourteenth day of the first month ... And they roasted the Passover animals on the
fire according to the ordinance, and boiled the holy things in pots, pans and
pans, and quickly took all the children of the people ... Then made the
preparations for themselves and for the priests, because the priests the sons of Aaron,
They were offering the burnt offerings and the fat until night; therefore the Levites
they prepared for themselves and for the priests, sons of Aaron ... So all the service was prepared
LORD on that day to celebrate the Passover and to offer burnt offerings on the altar of
Lord, according to the command of King Josiah "(2 Chronicles 35: 1, 13, 14, 16).
(They were burnt offering to night, note that the text does not say to sunset until the evening)
In the above verse we are told that "all service YHWH was prepared the same
day. " In other words they sacrificed, cooked and ate the lamb on the fourteenth
news. They sacrificed the lamb at 3 pm as was customary and Josephus testifies in
his writings; They cleaned, prepared and cooked the lamb after that, and ate
enalgún moment later after sunset that night.
The time after sunset was still the fourteenth. And as we read earlier in
Exodus 12:10, what was left of the Passover lamb until the next morning, they
required burn. Remember - the angel of death passed on that night 14
Aviv. Step on Passover, which was the fourteenth and not the beginning of the next day, or
Starting the Feast of Unleavened Bread / day of atonement, Hashem specifically
orders the unleavened bread is to be eaten from the sunset of the day before
first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Likewise, He commands His people to afflict their
souls beginning on the start of previous sun.
Let God's instructions noted on the first Easter:
"And on the fifteenth day of this month it is the feast of unleavened bread to Yahweh, seven
days must eat unleavened bread "(Leviticus 23: 6).
The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the fifteenth day of the first month. But nevertheless,in another section of scripture we were told to start eating unleavened bread from theSunset fourteenth - the day before!
"In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at dusk - you shall eat unleavened bread,
until the twenty-first day of the month at dusk "(Exodus 12:18)
Here we are specifically commanded to start eating unleavened bread from the dayFourteen of the month at dusk, although the Feast of Unleavened Bread is on the fifteenth butYHWH does not count on the fourteenth night because it would be eight days but begins tohave seven days from morning 15 to 21 in the afternoon. (Leviticus 23: 6)
Judges 16: 2"Two men notice was given of Gaza". He has come Samson "They willThey surrounded him and were stalking the city gate. They werequiet all night, thinking, "Hopefully until it begins the day andkill. "Judges 19: 9"They rose in September to leave the husband with his concubine and his servant,but her father, the girl's father, said, "Behold, the afternoon is coming soon.Spend the night here and let your heart be cheerful. Tomorrow morningwill march and return to your store. "
Ruth 3:13
13 Stay here tonight, and tomorrow, if he wants to exercise its right,
is exercised; and if not, I ask you, Yahweh lives! Lie down until the morning. "
1 Chronicles 23: 30-32
30 and every morning to attend every day to thank and praise Yahweh, and likewise at even;31 and to offer all burnt offerings to YHWH shabbats, jodeshim (full moon), and moadim for the account and form them, continually before the Lord.32 And they had the care of the tabernacle, and the charge of the sanctuary, and the charge of the sons of Aaron their brethren, in the service of the house of YHWH.
Up to this point I hope I have shown enough to prove that the days begin at dawn and end at dusk evidecia. Therefore God created two great lights on the fourth day to serve as signals of days, holy convocations and years. According to find more evidence I will continue adapting to this study.
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